A Quick Guide To Updating Your LinkedIn Headline

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A Quick Guide To Updating Your LinkedIn Headline

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So, you have got a LinkedIn profile, and now you are wondering how to make it stand out in the professional jungle? Well, let’s start with the first thing people notice – your LinkedIn headline. It’s like the tagline of your professional story, and a catchy one can make all the difference.

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Why does your LinkedIn Headline matter?


Your LinkedIn headline is the first snippet people see about you. It appears right below your name and can be the key to grabbing attention. Recruiters, colleagues, or potential collaborators often decide whether to click on your profile based on that brief line.

By default, the LinkedIn headline matches to your current or most recent work title, word for word – but this is not compulsory.


How to update your LinkedIn Headline?


Here are the steps on how to change your Linkedin headline to something other than your job title — which is something we usually recommend doing:


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  • Log In and Go to Your Profile:

    Seems obvious, right? But let’s not miss the basics. Log in to your LinkedIn account and head straight to your profile.

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_4″ _builder_version=”4.19.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.19.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”]

  • Click on the Pencil Icon:

    Hover over your headline, and you’ll see a little pencil icon. Click on it – that’s your gateway to updating your LinkedIn headline.

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_4″ _builder_version=”4.19.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.19.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”]

  • Craft a Clear LinkedIn Headline:

    In 120 characters or less, sum up what you’re all about professionally. Use keywords related to your skills, industry, and job aspirations. For example, “Digital Marketing Enthusiast” or “Aspiring Graphic Designer.”

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  • Highlight Your Unique Selling Point:

    What makes you stand out? Mention key skills, accomplishments, or areas of expertise. If you’re an ace in project management, say it. If you have successfully led teams, shout it out in your headline.

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How to standout with a captivating Linkedin Headline? 

After you have changed your LinkedIn headline, look for the following red flags:

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  • Generalisations:

    diligent, cooperative, etc.

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  • Jargon Overload:

    Although keywords are important, do not overuse them in your Linkedin headline. To make it understandable to a large audience, keep it basic. Remember, not everyone in your network might be familiar with industry-specific terms.

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  • Spelling Errors:

    Misspellings indicate a lack of focus on details.

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Once these fundamentals are covered, focus on crafting a title that will grab the attention of readers. Give hiring managers an
explanation of the soft skills or traits that sets you apart from others in your role.
Pro Tip:  Remember to add a dash of personality into your LinkedIn headline as it can make you more memorable! For example,
“Passionate about coding and coffee addict” or “Marketing Genius with a penchant for puns.”

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Final Thoughts on Testing and Tweaking your LinkedIn Headline


Make your LinkedIn headline count. It is the digital version of a strong handshake on the internet. Create a title that piques
readers’ curiosity while accurately representing your professional brand. Let your title speak for itself, be authentic, and keep it
Looking for some hands-on help? Head over to our Services Page to learn more about how we can help you with your LinkedIn
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